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Find New Clients Using Accurate Email Marketing Lists From Electric Marketing

Win new business with mailing lists and email lists of HR directors, marketing directors, IT managers, finance directors or chief executives.

Electric Marketing Blog

Electric Marketing's blog keeps you up to date with what's new in email marketing, current best practice in direct marketing and eMarketing, developments in the law surrounding email marketing plus details of new mailing lists and offers from Electric Marketing.

Fri, 19/02/2021
Millennials Want To Book In For A Phone Call Generation Z Wouldn't Think Of Emailing A Mate There is a move away from using the phone to call in to a company to ask a quick question. Some business executives look to book an appointment for a five minute phone call. Are automated call systems used by large companies driving this? Quite possibly. You know this won't be a short call when you hear the line 'Your call is important to us. Please wait'. There is a growing perception, among Millennials and Generation Z, that email is formal and for business only. Certainly business-to-business email
Mon, 16/11/2020
Which Questions Should You Be Asking Your B2B Data Supplier? In 2020 the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) took enforcement action against credit reference giant Experian. After a two year investigation, the ICO could have fined Experian heavily but instead it opted for a polite request that Experian tackle its compliance issues. Proof that the ICO is not the ogre that jobbing data protection experts often allege. But the ICO used the announcement to spread the word that if you buy in data, you need to do your own due diligence and make sure that the mailing list you are buying complies
Thu, 05/11/2020
Remote Working Increases Workload For IT Managers As the government re-introduces lockdown and rules that everyone must 'work from home if you can do so effectively', IT is coming into sharp focus again. Companies who started the pandemic with IT shakily set up for remote working are now looking at permanent fixes and more sophisticated solutions. IT teams are no doubt busy as Europe looks set to be stuck indoors until 2021. Busy IT teams are more likely to outsource work and buy in services when they are under pressure and now could be a good time to approach IT directors with your pitch
Thu, 03/09/2020
Lockdown Has Given The Nation Time To Think And Lots Of Us Want To Change The Way We Work The UK is heaving itself out of lock down; workplaces are ready with desk dividers, one-way systems and sanitiser gel at every entry point. Health & safety, facilities and environment budgets rocketed over the summer to prepare for this moment. Now the focus has shifted; employers are encouraging staff to come back to work and looking to HR managers, internal communications and reward managers to manage the return. But for every person who is keen to get back to normal and go into the office, there are
Tue, 26/05/2020
49% of people are working from home during the coronavirus crisis. And you can reach them using email marketing. I don't think anyone thought that we'd all still be locked out of our workplaces in early 2021 when the government first announced that the pubs were closing and everyone was to Stay At Home. But nine months later, businesses, who maybe thought that they could ride out a few weeks of shutdown, are having to look for new ways to reach their target market. Telephone marketing is limited as so many companies have closed their receptions or have security staff manning the phones. Direct
Tue, 18/02/2020
Despite all the media coverage around GDPR, there is still a lot of confusion over the rules for using mailing lists and email lists for direct marketing in the UK. This brief guide aims to dispel a few myths and clarify what marketers can and cannot do in the post-GDPR UK. Business-to-business marketing: the marketing of business services or business products to people at work. Emails You can send promotional emails to corporate email addresses. This includes personal corporate email addresses e.g. You do not need consent or opt-ins to be able to do this. You
Wed, 12/02/2020
If, like me, you have trialled a few email marketing software providers, you are probably familiar with the pros and cons: on the plus side, the software can manage your bounce backs and unsubscribes and gives you great numbers on engagement and open-rates. On the minus side, many of the market leaders will not allow you to upload bought-in mailing lists to their system. They fear that you may upload a cheap, scraped list that will do serious damage to their white-listed IP addresses and servers. You may be asked to tick a box to agree to upload only your own data or data that is ‘opt-in’. But
Wed, 22/01/2020
Electric Marketing Upgrades Business Mailing Lists Website For 2020 Electric Marketing is kicking off the 2020s with a refreshed and updated website, designed to make it easier for you to find the mailing lists your business needs. We've improved the search function; just hit the button Browse Lists in the centre of the home page and turn your attention to the right-hand column marked Filter Products. You can choose to see mailing lists which feature postal addresses, email addresses and phone numbers (35p per contact name) ORemail addresses and phone numbers (25p per contact name) If you are
Thu, 10/10/2019
Electric Marketing’s New Marketing Appointments service is 30 years old and we continue to monitor the business websites, business social media and the press to fill Marketing Appointments with 100 newly appointed marketing contacts every month. Why has this business list product lasted so long? Is it that amidst the supercharged technological change of the last 30 years, the old saying that a new broom sweeps clean still holds. A new manager with a new job will likely kick off by hiring some new suppliers. Whether it’s a marketing manager looking to revitalise the advertising campaign (hires
Fri, 28/12/2018
While the Information Commissioner's Office has given b2b marketers guidance on interpreting GDPR, it is up to email and digital marketers to put the guidance into practice. Electric Marketing and all readers of this blog know that we must inform data subjects that they are included on our mailing lists, that they must be given an opportunity to opt out and that we must make our (compliant) privacy policy easily available. But there is no standard template on how marketers communicate this. So far, we all agree that it goes right at the end of the email and definitely beneath the call to